Estimated Audit Resolution Program (EARP)
Our Estimated Audit Resolution Program (EARP) provides premium audit services combined with premium recovery services. Because of our relationship with our parent company, Brown & Joseph, we have developed a seamless process from audit to recovery.
The overall impact is a reduction in our clients’ DPO, improvement to the quality of the audit, reduction in time to complete the estimated audit, a seamless movement of the account for recovery, and a more favorable customer experience.
The EARP has recovered over $44 million in estimated premium for our clients.
Seamlessly Integrated with Collections
Brown & Joseph and CPAudits have developed a seamless process to address the prioritization of estimated audits. Through the integration of our systems, we are able to obtain all the relevant information from the debtor, perform the audit, bill the premium, and then recover the outstanding premium.
The overall impact is a reduction in our clients’ DPO, improvement to the quality of the audit, reduction in time to complete the estimated audit, a seamless movement of the account for recovery, an increase to your admitted assets, and a more favorable customer experience.

Get accurate, on-time audits every time with CPAudits.